GearUP Booster

What is Ping in Gaming & How to Improve it?

By Ethan Bennett
Last updated : 2023-04-23

One of the most common questions novice players ask is what is ping in gaming and how it affects gameplay. In this article, we are going to explain everything related to ping and how to make it better.





There is nothing more unpleasant than settling into a gaming night with your friends only to have your frames per second (fps) start to fluctuate and your game lag. It's possible that you're interested in learning what is happening in the background with your system or network and whether you have can control it.  You must first comprehend the elements that make up your computer's internet connection and how they could influence your gaming. 


When playing online games, it's critical to understand your ping and how it may affect how well you play. Other than just having an accurate aim and quick reactions, there are a few other factors that might influence your games and determine whether you win or lose. One of those things is ping. But what is it, and how can you make it better? Continue reading to learn more. 



A little history behind Ping:

The word “ping" is linked back to World War II when it was used as a technical term for navy and was used for the sonar signal from submarines. These signals were sent to determine how far away another ship in the ocean was from them. Its literal derivation is the metallic, high-pitched sound that was heard from far away. A few decades later, the phrase was used to represent the procedure in which one computer inquires into another to see if it is online.


What is Ping in Gaming?

Ping gives players insight into the speed of computer-server communication when they are playing live games. A ping test can assist a gamer to decide whether they will experience drops in responsiveness when playing an online game. Ping speed quantifies the time it takes for network devices to "talk" to one another in milliseconds (ms).


Ping describes the signal sent from one computer to another across the network & the response from that machine. The time it takes for a data packet to travel from your computer to an internet server and back is indicated by this signal, which is denoted in milliseconds (ms). The phrase used to describe the measurement is the latency between the computer and its server.



What is Latency?

The question "What is ping in gaming" goes side by side with the question of "what is ping" in gaming. The time (measured in milliseconds) it takes for a ping to return to the computer is known as latency. A ping is a signal that is sent from one computer to another on the same network. In contrast, to ping, which only measures one way of a signal, latency measures the signal's whole round trip. It should be noted that latency, not speed, describes the quality of your network connection. Network connection speeds are composed of two elements. The first is bandwidth, which refers to the amount of data that can be transported in a specific amount of time, and the second is latency, which refers to the amount of time it takes for a specific quantity of data to travel.

e), and the second is latency (or the amount of time it takes for a given amount of data to travel).


The words "latency" and "ping" are frequently used interchangeably. Thus, the terms "low latency" and "high latency," which you may hear gamer use, are frequently interchangeable with "low ping" and "high ping." However, that is not true.



What is Low and High Ping in Gaming?

Aside from the question of what is ping in gaming, we need to dig deep into Both the "low ping" and "high ping" figures that fall within a certain range. For the majority of broadband connections, average ping times are 100 ms or less. In video games, ping times below 20 ms are remarkable and are referred to as "low ping," ping times between 50 ms and 100 ms range from very good to average, and ping times over 150 ms are less desired and are referred to as "high ping." You've likely heard the terms anecdotally described as "low ping" or "high ping." Generally speaking, a "low ping" is preferred, especially in games where timing and positioning are crucial. For instance, low ping in multiplayer first-person shooter (FPS), real-time strategy, racing, and other games enables faster data transfer and server reaction times, which results in more fluid gaming. 

About The Author
Ethan Bennett

Ethan Bennett, an independent gaming media professional and avid gaming enthusiast, is proficient in various types of PC games and has an in-depth understanding of network issues in online gaming. At GearUP Booster, Ethan helps us identify players' network optimization needs and assists in writing blogs to share with a wider audience on how to solve common network problems like game lag and packet loss.